I am a french graphic designer, lettering artist & illustrator based in Berlin, offering unique and creative solutions to small brands and local businesses.
hOW can I help you?

Whether you already have a logo or you've just launched your business, I'll bring my expertise to bear on your needs and create a logo that reflects your brand and your values.

Lettering design is a way of communicating visually. It is about telling a story. Whether you want to create your book cover, illustrate a magazine article, decorate the walls of your shop or create a label, I'm here to find the style and composition that will tell the story of your product.

From simple packaging design to the entire identity of your new business, restaurant or café, I'll help you develop your brand and create a unique visual identity to connect with your customers.

wHat my cLientS saY...
Born in the 80s and a Tetris fan, I'm a night owl, introverted, passionate, intuitive and perfectionist. And as a good French person, I dip my croissant into my morning coffee.
Design and typography are more than a profession for me, they're a passion. I mainly work on cultural projects – film industry & publishing –, sustainable projects – organic cosmetics, handmade and local products– and fooding projects (local stores such as bakeries, cheese shops and cafés). I want to contribute to the success of local or small team businesses and highlight the good through the beautiful.
I'm delighted you've found me! Take a look at my site, browse my projects and learn more about the way I work.