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Picture book "MIRA und die Jahresuhr"


Writing, Illustration, Cover design, Lettering design, Type design, Production


Manuel Ambrosch

Client  HaWandel Verlag 


German children's picture book, from age 3.


With the collaboration of HaWandel Verlag, a publishing house that embraces diversity without thematizing it, I created this book entirely from idea to design, with the goal of helping children aged 3-6 to orient themselves in time and in the year.

With "MIRA und die Jahresuhr", children learn about the months and various highlights of the year: First snow, Carnival, Easter eggs painting, First Day of School, Christmas time... At the heart of the story is 5-year-old Mira, who experiences little adventures in 12 lovingly illustrated stories.  ​

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Inside the book

The book contains 60 pages and 12 stories, each of which begins with a lettering of the month of the year. 

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Type font MIRA

I created this font especially for the book.
It's easy to read, playful and adds a personal touch. 

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Postcards & Poster
I Also designed birthday cards and a birthday calendar that we sent together with the book for the launch. 

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